15 yo
bday: 23-07-2008
esp-eng (im also learning russian)
i love protein
i like men
mbti personality: infj/tj
enneagram type: idunno
western zodiac sign: ♌☉, ♈☽, ♌↑
chinese zodiac sign: 🐀 (year)
life path number: 4️⃣
fav colors: Red, green and blue
likes: music, writing, lasagna, brownie, hamburguer, playing games, photography, some sports, military stuff, investigate criminal/mysterious cases, psychology horror games, KETCHUP (HEINZ ONLY) fireguns, switchblades & whitearms in general, explosives & creating webpages !! :D
dislikes: asshole/rude people for no reason, school, crybabies, people who always victimize themselves, people who smell disgusting (aside from sweat and financial problems, i understand that) delusional obsessive people with history.